Hi, I'm Tomi
check out mySoftware Developer experience andArtwork below.


My Experiences:

  • Sony Pictures - Software Engineer (8 months)

    • May-Dec
    • Backend Software Engineer intern
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  • Realtor.com - Software Engineer (8 months)

    • Jan-May
    • Backend software engineer intern
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  • ResponsiveAds - Software Engineer

    • Part-time software engineer
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Blog Posts:


Personal Projects:

Checkers vs AI

Built a checkers app that allows you to play against AI

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Real Estate Price Predictor

Scraped over 3000 realestate listing data to train machine learning models

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A serverless framework that lets you chat with the GPT model with a given API key.

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Covid Self Register App

Web app that allows users to self report where they visited while were infected from the COVID-19 virus

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Translate Anything, Anywhere

A program that can translate any text after taking a screenshot

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CLI tool to Download Stock Data

A command Line Interface that downloads any stock ticket symbol with over 50 data points.

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Art Gallery: